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Booth Rental Information
Do you have a location or booth space to rent for the US 12 Garage Sale? This garage sale takes place on the 2nd weekend of August every year. Please click here to register your location!
Printable posters to display during your sale!
These postings below are subject to change, please contact the hosts for information.
This list below goes from east (Detroit) to west (New Buffalo) along the US 12 Route in Michigan.
East Region
Wayne, Ypsilanti, Saline, Irish Hills, Brooklyn, Somerset, Clinton
901 W. Michigan Ave Saline MI 48176 10'x20' spaces, the size of one parking space, for $20 day or $50 for 3 days. Inside restrooms available for vendors. Ample parking for vendors and customers. For more information or to reserve a location please contact: 734-429-1320 or anne@shopbakersnook.com
Rentschler Farm Museum in Saline
Located at: 1265 E. Michigan Ave Saline MI 48176. The Saline Area Historical Society's yard sale is located on the grounds of the Rentschler Farm Museum, Saline, Michigan. Individuals, crafters, vendors, or groups are welcome to set up and participate. As a fundraiser for the museum, a $50 rental fee is charged for both Friday and Saturday. This is a 2-day event only. Yard locations will be assigned subject to availability, prior participation and receipt of completed form with payment. The deadline for reserving space and paying the application fee is July 31, 2022, space is limited to ~25 rentals. Participants are responsible for providing their own setup: tables, chairs, tents, etc. Participants may arrive as early as 7am but must be finished setting up by 9am. Tear down can only begin after 5pm of the second day. No appliances or TV's please. The Saline Area Historical Society will not be held responsible for any equipment, merchandise, goods, or personal property which is lost, stolen or damaged during the event. A restroom facility is available on the grounds. Rain or shine, no refunds. For more information please contact them at: 734-944-0442 or visit www.salinehistory.org View the rental form here.
Irish Hills Antiques - Irish Hills
Outdoor booth space available (our 20th year) Join in the fun in the beautiful Irish Hills area on Historical US-12. Located next to Irish Hills Antiques 10600 US Hwy 12 Brooklyn, Mich. 49230. (1 mile east of M-50 ) Friday, Saturday, Sunday August 11, 12, 13. $65 for the 3 days, 20’x22’ all on grass, setup Thursday. For additional information, contact Maria by phone: 517-467-4646 or my email at: irishhills@frontiernet.net
Old Highway Market & Propane 14335 US 12 Brooklyn MI 49230. There are rental sites available along US 12 easy in and out accesses $35 for the 3 day weekend restroom facilities available. They will be available Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. To reserve a spot or get more information please contact them at: 517-592-2411 or ohmp14335@hotmail.com
Brooklyn: Shady spots on the grounds of a red brick schoolhouse in the heart of the Irish Hills. Please provide your own tables and cleanup after sale. Parking lot for easy in and out. Setup may begin Thursday noon. $20/day. reserve your spot. Corner of Miller Hwy and US 12. Call Kathy 517 592 0704 or email kathyr275@gmail.com

The perfect location to showcase your goods is at 12195 Chicago Rd, Jerome, MI 49249. Located across the street from the Somerset Hardware and in between two places to eat, Goody’s restaurant and Pepi’s Pizza. This is a high traffic area. Space is available Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Bring your own tables and chairs. Bathroom available for vendors. Parking available and easy access for customers. $20 per day or $50 for the weekend. Payment must be received prior to sale. To reserve your spot, call 734-612-5362.
Rental Opportunity at 50462 Bog Rd Belleville MI, 48111. For Friday and Saturday during the Garage Sale. As you enter the gate on the left (south side) always had that site. Tables , chairs are available. For more information please contact: 734-740-5045 or dave.wolak@yahoo.com.
Central Region
Jonesville, Quincy, Allen, Coldwater, Bronson, Sturgis, Union
Located at: 2400 East Chicago Rd. Jonesville MI 49250. They have a lot newly renovated with regrind and rolled smooth. This lot is approximately 320ft by 120 ft. We have some sellers already signed up to set up here, but we still have space for more sellers. We are located 3 miles East of Jonesville, MI on U.S. 12. We can provide an empty 20 x 20 space for $10/day with a $30 refundable deposit once your belongings are removed. Please call or email if interested: 517-849-2141 & jamiesue227@yahoo.com
Located in Allen. This rental location is located in the front yard next to their home. It will be $60 dollars for both Saturday and Sunday from 9-5. Renter will be responsible for cleaning up unsold items and trash. For rental information please email them at: dlen79@aol.com or call them at: 517-877-2229. Located at :10200 W Chicago Road Allen, MI 49227.
Rosco's Pizza 15314 U.S 12 Union, MI Rosco’s US 12 Yard Sale Event Biggest yard sale in town!!
Booth Rental Information: @10×20 space $20.00 per day
Weekend discount for all 3 days is $55.00
Additional space (10×20) add an additional $10 per day
Please confirm all reservations by Aug 1st.
For more information or to reserve call: 269-228-6733 or email: shannawaterman22@gmail.com
Indoor yard sale spaces for rent. Located at:15491 US 12 Union, MI. Each space is 10 x 20 with a table provided. Building has AC and a restroom inside. Cost: $30 per day or $75 for all 3 days. Set up available Thursday 4-7 pm. Easy unloading at our garage door in the back and parking right across the street. Building is locked up at night. Hours Friday-Sunday 9 am to 4 pm, cleanup and pack up by 6 pm Sunday. So come stay cool and dry while you sell at the Little Blue Building in beautiful downtown Union! For more information please contact: Janebug922@frontier.com or leave a message for Jane at 269-641-7111.
Rental locations available at: 36 East Chicago Street Quincy MI 49082. 6 sites that are 14 X 20 feet each. Prime Location! Friday;Saturday;Sunday. For more information please contact:517-795-3526 thepointispromoting@gmail.com
Sturgis, MI
Garage Sale spaces for rent. Located at: 500 W Chicago Rd Sturgis, MI 49091 Each space: 10' x 10' spots. You will be provided with 2 tables and 3 chairs (more available at additional cost). $25.00 per day or $50.00 for all 3 days. American Legion lawn - right on US 12. Plenty of shade. There are places available on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the US 12 Garage Sale. To rent a space please call Christina at: 269-651-9095.
Sturgis, MI
Gracepoint Baptist Church at 26268 W US 12 Sturgis MI 49091. Huge parking lot. Space available for Friday and Saturday. $10.00/day/spot. Spots are 11'x20'. Tables are $5.00/day/spot with a spot rental. Clean up after sale. We have a rental agreement that needs filled out. Call the office @ 269-651-4227 or for more info call or text MaryLou @ 269-816-4791.
1207 E. Chicago Road (US 12) West End of Sturgis Friday, August 11 and Saturday, August 12, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Inside Spaces: 10' x 12' space $25 for 1 day or $45 for 2 days (2 - 8' tables provided INSIDE ONLY). Outside: 10' x 12' space $10 for 1 day or $15 for 2 days (Tables not provided outside).
50% of proceeds of Bake Sale, Popcorn, Water bottles and booth rental is designated to the Sturgis Public Schools Lunch Program, "No Child Goes Hungry." Please contact Betsy at: 269-625-0120 & betsyarmstrong@charter.net Please complete and view the registration from here.
Union, MI
13549 US Highway 12 Union MI 49130 Spots are $25 per day or $60 for all three days. Prime location with electricity and bathrooms available. This is empty front yard space with plenty of parking. Contact them for more information at: 5748499957 & vickieinunion@gmail.com
West Region
New Buffalo, Three Oaks, Galien, Buchanan, Niles, Edwardsburg, White Pigeon
White Pigeon
This is located in the front yard next to their home at 706 West Chicago Rd US 12 White Pigeon, MI 49009. It will be 60 dollars for both Saturday and Sunday from 9-5. Renter will be responsible for cleaning up unsold items and trash. For rental information please email them at: the57bb@gmail.com or call them at: 269-816-1051.
Edwardsburg Sports Complex, 27566 US 12, Edwardsburg, MI 49112
The Edwardsburg Sports Complex will be offering 20’ by 20’ booth spaces on Friday and Saturday of the US 12 Garage Sale weekend. Last year’s event had an estimated 500+ visitors to the complex throughout the weekend. One day booth space: $20 (20x20 space) Two day booth space: $40 (20x20 space) Please bring your own tables and tents. For more information contact candace.green@edwardsburgsportscomplex.org or by phone at 269-414-4417 with any questions. For the rental forms in word please click here:
Edwardsburg Rental Location: 26617 US 12 Edwardsburg MI 49112
Rental Spots Available there are 10x10 for $25.00 per day or 10x20 for $30.00 per day. Lots of parking easy in easy out 3 and a half acres in Downtown Edwardsburg. They are available Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. To reserve a spot call 269-414-4585 or email: clark2607@sbcglobal.net.
Edwardsburg Rental spots available. There are two different sizes available ranging from 10x20 and 15x20 spaces. These spots are available for $25.00 and $30.00 for the weekend, respectively, or $15.00 a day. You provide your own tables and tents. To reserve you location or to get more information you can text 269-275-6883 or email brickhouseshop@aol.com This location is located at: 68997 Lane Rd Edwardsburg, MI 49112.
Edwardsburg Rental Spot Available. The rental spots available are 10x20 for $30.00, and 15x20 for $40.00. Perfect open field facing US 12 and lots of parking for customers. For rental information please email them at: Brickhouseshop@aol.com or call them at: 269-275-6883. They are located 69241 Section st Edwardsburg MI, 49112.
Edwardsburg Area Historical Museum
Booth space rental at Edwardsburg Area Historical Museum, 28616 U.S. 12, Edwardsburg. The Edwardsburg Area Historical Museum is a nonprofit organization located in the middle of Edwardsburg, Michigan. The US 12 garage sale is our biggest fundraiser of the year to support the running of the museum. We are thankful to all the friends of the museum who donate items for this sale!
Our sale starts on Thursday through Sunday 8am to 5 pm. We have 15 booth rental spaces available that are approximately 15'x15'. Interested persons can contact Jan Litty at 269-699-5518. The museum is open from Tuesday through Friday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday hours are 11:00 a.m. until 2 p.m. Rental forms may be picked up during those times.
Cressy & Everett Real Estate
Located at: Cressy & Everett Real Estate 26251 US 12 Edwardsburg, MI 49112 They are offering tent space for anyone who needs space to sell. The cost is $25 for a 10 x 10 space in our parking lot with easy load and unload off Shore Ave, just off US 12. They are located across from the old Lunker's building. Contact them directly if interested. Tent fees collected are being donated to Edwardsburg Sports Center. Open Saturday only 9am - 4pm. 10' x 10' Tent required.
Contact Tarah Sheteron at: tarahsheteron@cressyeverett.com or 269-876-9276
Located at: 20824 Highway 12 Edwardsburg MI, 49112. Several 20’x20’ rental sites available now on prime Highway 12 frontage for the garage sale. $250 for all three days for vendors! And those that need or want for larger site sizes contact me ASAP and we will get you in the rental site you desire! Cost then will be provided to you based on the custom size site you choose. Trash service will be provided for you, vary visible site sectioning provided also, grass will be mowed short neat, also your items and things for the whole weekend will be video and photo surveillance protected 24/7. If you rent a site you can start to set it up any day that week once you pick you site spot and our custom sized site sign and agree to rental and liability paper you’ll be asked to read agree, sign and pay the rental site fee which will be animated in the rental agreement paper you sign. Anything I have not mentioned you may want or need provided just ask about it when you contact me and I’ll see what I can do. Thank you and hope to talk to some of you soon! For more information contact them at: 574-333-9881 & Seabrooksmith03@outlook.com
Downtown Niles - Niles
On Main Street in Downtown Niles, together with our antique & retail shops, we invite you to rent a piece of sidewalk and join in the fun! For more information call Lisa at 269-687-4332.
Niles, MI Located at: 29360 US Highway 12 Niles MI 49120. My front yard is available for rent for this year's sale if anyone is interested. I have rental spots available Friday and Saturday. I am on US 12 between Niles and Edwardsburg. For more information please contact: 574-250-2524 or betsy@allianceppp.com
Three Oaks- Elementary School 100 Oak St Three Oaks, MI 49128
The Region of Three Oaks Museum is sponsoring the Garage Sale Sites for the upcoming US 12 Heritage Garage Sale Event. There are rentals for Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the sale. The Region of Three Oaks Museum hosts Vendor sites at Carver Park and Three Oaks Elementary School in Three Oaks. Small spaces are $35 for Friday, Saturday and Sunday and large Spaces are $70. You may reserve two spaces. Both sites are directly on the US 12 Corridor and have parking lots available for shoppers and Vendors. For more information or to rent space, please contact Julie Sittig with The Region of Three Oaks Museum.
You can contact them at: Phone: 269-756-3547 or juliesittigrn@vanzine.org